Shadow Board Members

Shadow Board Members

Parent/Carer Representatives

Mrs Ashley Furmston has been appointed as the main representative and Mr George Green has been appointed as the deputy to attend in the absence of Mrs Furmston.

Here is the background information and skills that each of the successful candidates previously submitted.

Mrs Ashley Furmston



As the lone carer of my severely Autistic son Tim (32), I am acutely aware of the common challenges faced by carers, including the lack of clear information and a collective voice in driving positive change.

The development and continuous improvement of high quality, personalised services delivered by passionate, caring staff is essential, and I see the SEP as leading the way in delivering these outcomes for customers and carers.

I would like to join the Shadow Board in order to act as a bridge with the wider carer group, ensuring that change is understood, informed and driven by them.


I founded the Parent Carer Alliance two years ago, and have achieved some success in ensuring that carers are better informed and have a collective voice.

I recognise this as a key need for carers in addition to representing individual needs in isolation.

As part of this work, I have also built links with advocacy services for customers.

I believe I am confident and articulate, and have spoken on behalf of carers at Scrutiny/Cabinet meetings, as well as at The House of Commons as part of a ‘Right to Care’ campaign.

I am computer literate and have excellent networking skills.

Mr George Green

George Green


Together with my wife I have shared the responsibilities of care, welfare and security for our son who has LD from cradle to adult. We have lived mainly within 2 counties Hampshire and latterly Somerset. During his lifetime we have experienced a whole range of services between education, health, benefits, social care and occupation; they ranged from good to non-existent.  Like many parent/carers we have had to jump through hoops, prove our case, fight bureaucracy defend our children and their rights. Now Somerset are giving LD the opportunity of being part of and sharing their future.  I would like to represent them on the Shadow Board.


The skills I have are at middle management level. I have a service background (34 years Royal Navy) during which time I trained in the techniques of work study. I have public sector experience as a clerical officer in the NHS and successfully managed the waiting lists for 5 orthopaedic surgeons.  I worked as a part time carer for Mencap and experienced both Male and Female clients with a wide range of disabilities.  I understand the process of change and can represent my views verbally and in writing.

Customer Representatives

Steve Hosken has been appointed as customer representative for the Shadow Board.

Steve Hosken

Steve Hosken

Here’s some information on Steve:

  • I have lived in Somerset all my life
  • I have a Learning Disability and have support to live independently and have to pay my bills and get me out in the community
  • I am a supporter at the Somerset Advocacy “Speak Up Groups”
  • I am a representative at the Learning Disability Partnership Board
  • I am developing skills as an “Expert by Experience”
  • I am the local representative at SCC LD Social Enterprise meetings

Steve will be supported in this role by Mary-Ellen Harris (Somerset Advocacy)

Mary-Ellen photo

And if he can’t attend Darren Bacciochi will aim to attend.

Darren Bacciochi

Here’s some information on Darren:

  • I am a customer of LD services in South Somerset
  • I am a representative on Somerset Advocacy Management Committee and I represent people who have LD from South Somerset
  • I attend the LD Partnership Board
  • I am an “Expert by Experience”
  • I have been involved with the Social Enterprise from the beginning
  • I believe that people who have LD should be treated equally and should have the biggest voice in their own lives

External Shadow Board Members

Of over 15 people who formally applied to become Shadow Board members, three have now been appointed, they are:

David Joslin  Robert Aldrich Mark McGoogan

David Joslin       Robert Aldrich          Mark McGoogan

Reflecting on the new team, David Dick, Chair of the new Learning Disabilities Shadow Board, said: “I am delighted that we have been able to appoint these three high calibre people to our new Shadow Board.

“We had a fantastic response to our request for volunteers to join the board, and I am grateful to all those who applied.

“The creation of a Shadow Board is a key step in our journey to become a social enterprise partnership, and is part of our commitment to involve the people who benefit from the service every step of the way.”


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